Holiday Q&A: My Family Doesn’t Know I’m In Recovery From An Eating Disorder

Holiday Q&A: My Family Doesn’t Know I’m In Recovery From An Eating Disorder

If you’re spending your holidays with extended family members or friends who are unaware of your recovery journey, the idea of eating with them may be anxiety provoking. What if they make a comment about my food? Are they going to judge me for having a second helping and dessert? What if they notice my body has changed? If eating in a large group setting is already challenging to begin with, these additional unknowns can exacerbate feelings of discomfort and may lead you to want to skip out on the event altogether.

Below are some suggestions that may help with getting through these situations.

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Holiday Q&A: How Do I Manage Eating Disorder Thoughts at Holiday Gatherings?

Holiday Q&A: How Do I Manage Eating Disorder Thoughts at Holiday Gatherings?

It’s a good idea to have a plan for how to navigate challenging environments for your eating disorder so that you can feel a bit more prepared going into these situations. For many the holidays are a particularly challenging time due to food being a major part of the celebrations. While it may feel less stressful to push the holiday gathering out of your mind in the days leading up to it, this can set you up to feel completely overwhelmed once you are there. This is not to say having a plan will guarantee food will be totally stress-free, but you will at least have some strategies to try with when you notice the eating disorder thoughts starting to creep in.

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Holiday Q&A: How do I handle the holiday weight loss and diet talk without triggering my eating disorder?

Holiday Q&A: How do I handle the holiday weight loss and diet talk without triggering my eating disorder?

This is a great question. There’s more than one way to handle unhelpful conversations about food and weight that come up at holiday dinners or in small talk with relatives, and I encourage you to do what feels the most manageable for you on that day. That’s because the goal is not to handle the situation perfectly, but to protect your recovery, whatever that may look like for you right now. Here are some ideas for what you might try.

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Food Rules: What They Are and What To Do About Them

Food Rules: What They Are and What To Do About Them

These and other rules that we impose on ourselves when it comes to eating often lead us further from a health-supportive relationship with food. What may start off as a well-intentioned effort to be mindful of food-related behaviors can evolve into a rigid set of rules that leads to disconnection from your body and its needs. This can make knowing what, when, and how much to eat in order to adequately nourish our bodies and feel good, confusing at best. This confusion erodes trust in your body and its signals and may perpetuate further reliance on external rules to guide your eating, continuing the cycle.

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